Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - NIKU by Title
Now showing items 160-179 of 817
Educational Strategies in Cultural Landscapes. Are we complying with the Faro Convention?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Faro Convention underlined the importance of educational initiatives related to heritage. This paper focuses on the educational dimension of landscape, as a means to better facilitate its social acceptance and hence ... -
An Edvard Munch sales inventory from 1906. The condition of the paintings related to Rolf Stenersen's assertion about the "Kill-or-Cure" remedy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The Munch biographer Rolf Stenersen asserted that Edvard Munch used the weather to modify his paintings’ appearance - an artistic technique Stenersen called the horse-cure. Was Stenersen right, or did he create a myth which ... -
Effects of Climate-Related Adaptation and Mitigation Measures on Nordic Cultural Heritage
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Abstract: This article is based on the project undertaken by NIKU for, and financed by, the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2021, with supplementary literature and the expertise of the authors added to the report findings. ... -
EKENES, FÆRDER KOMMUNE. Georadarundersøkelser på Ekenes Færder kommune, Vestfold fylke.
(NIKU Oppdragsrapport;11/2019, Research report, 2019)I forbindelse med planlagt tilrettelegging for firearmet rundkjøring i Ekeneskrysset, Færder kommune i Vestfold, er det behov for arkeologisk registrering for oppfylling av kulturminnelovens §9. Ekenes gård antas å være ... -
The Emotional Element of Urban Densification
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we will delve into a somewhat unexplored element of urban densification – namely, people’s emotional responses to physically and socially densified neighbourhoods. Undoubtedly, there is a vast amount of ... -
An emotional plea for Al-Ahsa: a case study on how discourses of representativeness, climate and discord are strategized in the World Heritage regime
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Emotional Religiosity and Religious Happiness in Old Norse Literature and Culture
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The main aim of this article is to investigate whether and how the traditional Christian theological premise that “God is Happiness” was adapted to the social and ideological norms and aesthetics of Old Norse literature ... -
Empowering marginal lifescapes: the heritage of crofters in between the past and the present
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)There is a rich, but unacknowledged, heritage of rural subalterns, crofters, in Scandinavia. A Swedish-Norwegian interdisciplinary research-network investigated the most prominent category – the remains of crofts. Due to ... -
Engagement, Sustainability and Diversity: examining recent heritage policy in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article discusses recent Norwegian heritage policy and examines the three key terms of the most recent white paper – participation, sustainability and diversity – in light of the Norwegian government's key societal ... -
Erik Pontoppidans gate, Bergen, 2022: Arkeologisk overvåking i forbindelse med oppgradering av gaten
(NIKU Oppdragsrapport;84/2022, Research report, 2022)NIKU prosjektnummer 1022322. Våren 2022 gjennomførte NIKU distriktskontor Bergen en mindre arkeologisk overvåking i Erik Pontoppidans gate. Bakgrunnen for tiltaket var oppgraderingen av gaten i full lengde. Det ble ikke ... -
Erstatningsprodukter for maling i Norge under verdenskrigene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I første halvdel av 1900-tallet i Norge var linolje det viktigste bindemidlet i hus- og dekorasjonsmaling. I forbindelse med verdenskrigene 1914-1918 og 1939-1945 ble imidlertid linolje vanskelig tilgjengelig. Artikler og ... -
Etterreformatorisk arkeologi: en verdifull kilde til kunnskap om vår nære fortid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Evaluering av Opplandsmodellen for bygningsvern. Oppland fylkeskommune
(NIKU Oppdragsrapport;134/2018, Report, 2019-02)Opplandsmodellen er et resultat av Oppland fylkeskommunes langsiktige og strategiske arbeid for å styrke bygningsvernet. Det er to hovedkomponenter som til sammen utgjør Opplandsmodellen: En bygningsvernrådgivertjeneste ... -
Evaluering av SINTEF‐rapport om georadarundersøkelse i Bergen domkirke. Versjon 1.
(NIKU Oppdragsrapport;87/2012, Research report, 2012)Hensikten med undersøkelsen i Bergen domkirke var å bruke en georadar for å kunne se om det befinner seg objekter inne i veggen i koret. Dette har forskerne fra SINTEF, så vidt vi kan se, greid. Undersøkelsen er gjennomført ... -
Excavations and Surveys 1985-2012
(Chapter, 2017) -
Experiences from motorized GPR surveys in Iceland
(Chapter, 2023)Motorized multi-channel GPR investigations in Iceland in July 2022 showed great potential for large-scale archaeological geophysical surveys. Investigations on selected sites demonstrated effective fieldwork opportunities ... -
Exploring participatory heritage governance after the EU Faro Convention
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Exploring participatory heritage governance after the EU Faro Convention
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Purpose – This paper aims to analyse the key Faro notions of “heritage community” and “democratic participation” as defined in the Faro Convention, and how they challenge core notions of authority and expertise in the ... -
Exploring Vulnerability Indicators: Tourist Impact on Cultural Heritage Sites in High Arctic Svalbard
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article reports findings from two research projects that aimed to understand the vulnerabilities of cultural heritage sites in Svalbard and investigated factors that influence tourism-induced pressures and site ... -
Faenskapets skaperglede: Demonveggen i Sauherad kirke
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)