Blar i Brage på forfatter "Skrede, Joar"
A Museum Cruise in Foul Waters: An Empirical Analysis of the Debate Triggered by the Proposal to Move the Norwegian Viking Ships from Bygdøy to Bjørvika
Skrede, Joar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)This article analyzes the debate that ensued from a suggestion to relocate three Norwegian Viking ships from Bygdøy to Bjørvika. People do not only debate the ships’ material vulnerability but they also express different ... -
A Suburban Dreamscape Outshining Urbanism: The Case of Housing Advertisements
Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Assemblage urbanism: the role of heritage in urban placemaking
Guttormsen, Torgrim Sneve; Skrede, Joar; Guzman, Paloma; Fouseki, Kalliopi; Bonacchi, Chiara; Péres, Ana Pastor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose – The paper explores the potential value of urban assemblage theory as a conceptual framework for understanding the role heritage has in social sustainable urban placemaking. The authors conceptualise urban placemaking ... -
By eller forstad? En diskusjon av barnefamiliers flyttemotiver
Andersen, Bengt; Skrede, Joar (Journal article, 2022)Oslo kommune har som uttalt mål at indre by skal være et attraktivt bosted for barnefamilier. Flere kommentatorer, inkludert forskere, har hevdet at reurbanisering er en tydelig trend. Det vil si at bylivet er populært, ... -
Bygningsvernkonsulentordninga i Hordaland. Evaluering
Leden, Siv; Hølleland, Herdis; Skrede, Joar (NIKU Oppdragsrapport;221/2018, Report, 2018)NIKU har gjort ei evaluering av bygningsvernkonsulentordninga i Hordaland på grunnlag av skriftleg kjeldemateriale, intervju med bygningsvernkonsulentane og ei spørjeundersøking til huseigarar, handverkarar, musea og ... -
The Emotional Element of Urban Densification
Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we will delve into a somewhat unexplored element of urban densification – namely, people’s emotional responses to physically and socially densified neighbourhoods. Undoubtedly, there is a vast amount of ... -
Heritage and change management
Guttormsen, Torgrim Sneve; Skrede, Joar (Chapter, 2022) -
Industrial Heritage as a Culturally Sustainable Option in Urban Transformation: The case of Skien and Moss
Swensen, Grete; Skrede, Joar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Industrial heritage represents an opportunity for architects and designers to combine a building’s robust form with creative solutions. A former methanol factory in Skien used as art hall, and a former paper mill in Moss ... -
Medvirkningsideologiens inntog i byplanleggingen - en invitasjon til grubling
Andersen, Bengt; Skrede, Joar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Planning for a sustainable Oslo: the challenge of turning urban theory into practice
Andersen, Bengt; Skrede, Joar (Journal article, 2017)Many cities today face challenges related to urban growth. This is also the case in Oslo, currently one of the fastest growing capitals in Europe. In order to prepare for the population growth, a new municipal master plan ... -
Remembering and reconfiguring industrial heritage: the case of the digester in Moss, Norway
Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Selling homes: the polysemy of visual marketing
Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
The significance of culture for social sustainability – a discussion of cultural security and insecurity in neighbourhoods
Andersen, Bengt; Skrede, Joar; Grevstad-Nordbrock, Ted (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
The directors of urban transformation: The case of Oslo
Andersen, Bengt; Hannah, Ander; Skrede, Joar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
The issue of sustainable urban development in a neoliberal age. Discursive entanglements and disputes
Skrede, Joar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Understanding the Geographies of Transport and Cultural Heritage: Comparing Two Urban Development Programs in Oslo
Tønnesen, Anders; Larsen, Kari; Skrede, Joar; Nenseth, Vibeke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Uses of Heritage and beyond: Heritage Studies viewed through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Realism
Skrede, Joar; Hølleland, Herdis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02)Uses of Heritage (2006) has been an important contribution to the development of Heritage Studies. Resting on a thorough ‘re-read’ of this modern classic, the article analyses the text applying some central concepts from ... -
Views, use and reception of visualisations of development proposals impacting cultural heritage
Skrede, Joar; Hølleland, Herdis; Risbøl, Ole; Jerpåsen, Gro B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Visualising the past for the future: a social semiotic reading of urban heritage
Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Peterson, Norway, was a former cellulose factory that is in the process of being transformed into new usage. A landmark at the premises is the “digester,” a high-rise steel structure used to make cellulose before the factory ... -
What may culture contribute to urban sustainability? Critical reflections on the uses of culture in urban development in Oslo and beyond
Skrede, Joar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)