Browsing Brage by Author "Hølleland, Herdis"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Becoming a conservation 'good power': Norway's early World Heritage history
Hølleland, Herdis; Phelps, Jessica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02)States stand at the core of the World Heritage Convention and their multifaceted interstate relations have been a central subject in contemporary World Heritage research. Less research has been directed towards intrastate ... -
Bygningsvernkonsulentordninga i Hordaland. Evaluering
Leden, Siv; Hølleland, Herdis; Skrede, Joar (NIKU Oppdragsrapport;221/2018, Report, 2018)NIKU har gjort ei evaluering av bygningsvernkonsulentordninga i Hordaland på grunnlag av skriftleg kjeldemateriale, intervju med bygningsvernkonsulentane og ei spørjeundersøking til huseigarar, handverkarar, musea og ... -
Caged for Protection: Exploring the Paradoxes of Protecting New Zealand's Dactylanthus taylorii
Hølleland, Herdis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Emerging from an ethnographic encounter with the conservation efforts to save an enclave of Dactylanthus taylorii in Tngariro National Park, the article discusses some of the paradoxes of conservation management by ... -
An emotional plea for Al-Ahsa: a case study on how discourses of representativeness, climate and discord are strategized in the World Heritage regime
Hølleland, Herdis; Wood, Morgaine Theresa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Evaluering av Opplandsmodellen for bygningsvern. Oppland fylkeskommune
Hølleland, Herdis (NIKU Oppdragsrapport;134/2018, Report, 2019-02)Opplandsmodellen er et resultat av Oppland fylkeskommunes langsiktige og strategiske arbeid for å styrke bygningsvernet. Det er to hovedkomponenter som til sammen utgjør Opplandsmodellen: En bygningsvernrådgivertjeneste ... -
Forum: populism, identity politics, and the archaeology of Europe
Hofmann, Daniela; Hanscam, Emily; Furholt, Martin; Baca, Martin; Reiter, Samantha Scott; Vanzetti, Alessandro; Kotsakis, Kostas; Petersson, Håkan; Niklasson, Elisabeth; Hølleland, Herdis; Frieman, Catherine J (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Naming, Shaming and Fire Alarms: The Compilation, Development and Use of the List of World Heritage in Danger
Hølleland, Herdis; Hamman, Evan; Phelps, Jessica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article provides a comprehensive empirical analysis of the composition, development and use of the List of World Heritage in Danger (IDL) under the 1972 Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and ... -
The Scandinavian far-right and the new politicisation of heritage
Niklasson, Elisabeth; Hølleland, Herdis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02)The past 30 years have witnessed a radical shift in European politics, as new far-right wing parties have entered national parliaments. Driven by discontent, fear and the notion of cultural struggle, they have gradually ... -
Uses of Heritage and beyond: Heritage Studies viewed through the lens of Critical Discourse Analysis and Critical Realism
Skrede, Joar; Hølleland, Herdis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02)Uses of Heritage (2006) has been an important contribution to the development of Heritage Studies. Resting on a thorough ‘re-read’ of this modern classic, the article analyses the text applying some central concepts from ... -
Views, use and reception of visualisations of development proposals impacting cultural heritage
Skrede, Joar; Hølleland, Herdis; Risbøl, Ole; Jerpåsen, Gro B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
What’s wrong with heritage experts? An interdisciplinary discussion of experts and expertise in heritage studies
Hølleland, Herdis; Skrede, Joar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The role of heritage experts has become a prominent topic in the heritage studies literature. Proclaiming that ‘we are all heritage experts’, one of the striking features of the interest in experts within the heritage ...